Hemerocallis   Europa e.V.  

HE - Display Garden
  Bad Zwischenahn

Uerdinger Zitroneneis (Kaiser, 2009)
In Bad Zwischenahn in the "Park der Gärten" (PdG) there is a daylily roundabout which was approved in 2006 by the American Hemerocallis society as so far only Daylily Display Garden outside of USA/Canada - where there are already 400 approved gardens.

Hemerocallis Arc with bee-houses in the back Bad Zwischenahn is around 45 km north-west of Bremen. For the 14ha large Country Garden show ("Landesgartenschau") 2002 with at least 1 million visitors, Karl and Hanne Rupp organized a Hemerocallis arc with 150 plants - a first public presentation of the not well known daylilies in this area.
The show was afterwards continued as public garden and the arc was enlarged to a roundabout with now 450 plants. Two concentric circular beds with an outer diameter of 40m show by starting from the species the hybridizing development of the daylilies from 1893 until today. 12 beds in the inner part of the roundabout show the manifold faces of the daylilies.
In these beds the best cultivars of 4 European hybridizers are presented – Harald Juhr (Germany), Marc King (Italy), Werner Reinermann (Germany), Tomas Tamberg (Germany), and in addition Dan Hansen (USA). In addition there are beds for the Waterman Award winners, winners of the European seedling evaluation, spider and UFs, small-flowering daylilies and lavender-pink flowering daylilies.

The altogether 450 plants were donated by 25 members of Hemerocallis Europa and the specialist group daylilies of the GdS from 8 different European countries - Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Poland and Switzerland. In addition there is also a hybridizer from USA.

A group of 15 voluntary helpers from the PdG promoting society clean the plants three times per week during the flowering season.

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