Hemerocallis   Europa e.V.  

HE Library - Library Regulations 

Sachsen Masterpiece (Albert, 1996)

(books and journals will only be lent out to HE members)

Right of Use
You are entitled to take out books and journals, as long as you are member of "Hemerocallis Europa e.V." and if you have paid the current year´s annual due. If you leave the society "Hemerocallis Europa e.V.", you have to send back straight away the borrowed books.

Change of Address
Every change in address should be told immediately to the librarian. Reminders are also valid, if they come back as undeliverable from the last known address.

Orders will normally be accepted by letter. Exceptionally one can order by phone or e-mail if the librarian has an e-mail address. The order should contain the following information:

- Name and address of the borrower
- Book (incl. author, title, year) or
  Journal (incl. title, year, volume and/or page number)
- planned period of borrowing

Period of borrowing
The basic period of borrowing is ordinarily 2 months. After that a first reminder follows. Longer period of borrowing (maximum 1 year) can be asked for, but the book or journal can be called back if otherwise needed.

The delivery will normally be done by postal service as registered letter respectively registered packet. The personal picking up or returning of books or journals is only possible, if previously an appointed time was agreed with the librarian.

Please send back the books and journals as soon as possible (also before long absence or several weeks of holidays), in order that they are available for other users. The same is true for the return that is stated for the delivery (see above).

The passing-on of borrowed books and journals without informing the librarian is in principle not allowed (especially not to non-members). If a book or journal will be passed-on to a third person, the real borrower of the book or journal is nevertheless responsible (this is also true for paying reminders; the real borrower has to see how he/she get respectively collect the caused costs from the co-borrower).

The period of borrowing can be prolongated two times by one month each. The prolongation should be written handed in. If the book or journal is reserved by another user, it has to be returned within a week.

Borrowed books are trust you, for which injury e.g. by marking you are liable and in severe cases excluded from the use of the library. By loss you have to compensate for a replacement as original or copy in good quality.

Reminders and rates
A reminder happens, if the period of borrowing has passed or the prolongation was not applied for in time. The first reminder is with no costs. You will be encouraged to return the overdue books respectively journals or to prolongate the period of borrowing. A rate will raised beginning with the second reminder; per book or journal Euro 5.- for the second reminder respectively Euro 10.- for the third reminder.

For questions concerning borrowing or available literature you can turn to the librarian.

Concluding clause
Every borrower is governed by these regulations and accepts them automatically when borrowing books respectively journals.

Donations of new or old books/journals about daylilies (or containing articles/sections about daylilies) or donations of money for the library are always welcome and can be sent to the librarian of books and journals (address see on top). Please make them with the remark: "Donation for the HE library".

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