Hemerocallis   Europa e.V.  

Society - History 

Midnight Mantis (King, 1999)
In April 1993 a group of daylily-friends from England, Germany, Italy and Switzerland met in the town of Aarau in Switzerland to decide on the foundation of an independent European daylily society.
Since these founding-days the society has grown considerably and today HE has members in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slowenia, Switzerland, and the USA.
The multitude of different languages within Europe makes it necessary for the society to operate in more than one language, at present it is in English and German.

On 15th July 2017 the Hemerocallis Europa AGM decided to dissolve the society. This was the end of Hemerocallis Europa e.V.!

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